Xenophobia: quo vadis, South Africa?
Recent events in and around my home city Durban have sent
shivers down the spines of South Africans. Xenophobic attacks have occurred
against foreigners, initially amongst owners of small businesses in Isipingo, central
Durban and Verulam. There have been deaths. The social disturbances have now spread
to the Witwatersrand in Gauteng province, and no end to the disturbances is yet
in sight. Similar unrest occurred in 2002, 2008 and 2014.
The trigger for these events seems to be a rising antipathy and
even hatred on the part of impoverished local communities. It is largely directed
against foreign nationals who have migrated to South Africa in huge numbers because
of political or economic pressures in their own countries. The total of such
people is estimated at four million. The broader setting has been conducive to
social disruption, since during times of international economic, political,
religious and social disruptions, migrants and refugees are obvious targets for
the focus of anger amongst those already under pressure.
President Zuma has spoken on the subject, and has apparently
invited answers to the problem, from whatever quarter. This present post is a
response to that invitation.
Allegations of thoughtless statements by public figures and
even underlying political intrigue are emerging, and need to be investigated
thoroughly. If necessary, people must be held accountable. The response by
government was tardy initially, but it is gathering momentum. Numerous
statements have been made by government officials and members of civil society
condemning the violence. We must all do so.
Many commentators have condemned the initial media reaction,
which for a time focused on debates about whether the problem represents
xenophobia or afrophobia. As the problem deepened, there was a realisation that
the country needed vigorous action, not words. After some vacillation, the government
responded with police action to ensure the safety of people whose lives were
most in jeopardy. They have now correctly discerned the wellbeing of the
civilian population as a first urgent step. In Durban and Gauteng, police have
clamped down on crowd violence and associated criminality.
Several thousand people have been displaced. They are being
housed temporarily in tent villages, police stations and other shelters.
Angered and dismayed by the harsh events, some will no doubt return to their
home countries. An exodus has begun. Several states have already taken action
to repatriate citizens, and South Africa’s reputation as an exemplary country
where a brilliant constitution holds sway has been besmirched and the
underlying social fragilities revealed.
Condemnation of the violence and desultory initial response
has come from Nigeria, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and also Boko Haram and Al
Shebaab. Political and economic retaliation have been threatened. The
Department of Foreign Relations has been hard pressed to respond to and placate
these criticisms. It is probable that South Africa will suffer in its
international relations.
Some foreigners have not got relevant residence permits, and
complain of experiencing corrupt practices in the registration process, muddled
thinking and sometimes, enormous distances to be covered to get documents
In due course there will be the preparation of long-term
plans to manage the crisis, to ensure a return to reasonably normal social
interactions, and the development of a strategy to forestall recurrence. The
process of introspection and planning has already begun. Unfortunately, as is
so common with the managements of these sorts of events, initial reaction is to
see and address only the surface manifestations, but not to drill or probe more
deeply into the underlying aetiology. Clearly, the current events are symptoms
of deeper things than those appearing at the surface. These have incubated and
festered over decades, exacerbated by apartheid but also by mistakes made
during the past few decades of ‘freedom’.
Many of the transgressors are Zulus, a nation that at one
stage was the most powerful military and political body in South-east Africa. Read
Shaka.The Story of a Zulu King for background. The fact is still
embedded in the collective unconscious of large numbers of people, and fuels an
underlying but tangible, simmering political resentment. Despite being the
largest identifiable cultural entity in Southern Africa, historically they
never consolidated into a nation-state such as that of the Sothos (Lesotho) or
Swazis (Swaziland). There has apparently never been a satisfaction of
historical ambitions.
A further provocation is that many live in a state of
comparative poverty. The result is often a sense of hopelessness, loss of
initiative and surrender to a sense of impotence and hopelessness. Yet amongst
them are the most remarkable, kindly and precious people one can hope to meet. I
have admired them for their ineffable strength of character, fortitude,
courtesy and compassion despite their being in the grip of undeserved, grinding
poverty. Some have become ‘family’.
In general however, South African society seems to harbour a
deeply rooted propensity to resort to violence to get one’s way, and the
concept of ubuntu sometimes appears more like a fragile, politically expedient
construct to be trotted out when necessary, rather than a reality. It seems at
times to extend no further than a narrow clan allegiance based on related names
and interests. In our society there is also a measure of allegiance to larger
‘tribal’ entities whether black, brown or white, but little empathic regard for
humanity in a wider context. We delude ourselves by accepting the designation
‘rainbow nation’. We have yet to earn that accolade.
The present outbursts of aggression are focused on xenophobia,
which implies a fear and even hatred of foreigners or even strangers. It is a
reaction that flies directly in the face of the ubuntu ethic. It has given vent
to opportunistic criminality and the looting of shops and other property. Some
of the anger is even alleged to originate in an attempt to clear debts by
driving away the implicated business owners.
Poverty has over many years been exacerbated by the
apartheid legacy which is not yet entirely expunged from current economic,
political and social activities. White people are still pilloried en bloc,
including those who fought apartheid. The persistence of poverty is recent
years is due to a composite of syndromes such as corruption emanating from the
elites within government and business, shocking labour relations underlying
such events as the Marikana Massacre that have scared off overseas and domestic
investment, a contested trade union battle for national hegemony, recent appalling
behaviour within parliament that has set a new low bar for what can be
tolerated within human interactions, and persistent and entrenched feelings of elitism,
superiority and entitlement characteristic of many.
Then there is the dismal performance of many municipalities
as well as parastatals such as ESCOM and SAA that have further damaged our
economy. One can add the schooling system which consuming massive resources,
yet produces little to reassure taxpayers and especially parents.
As usual, these current disturbances have loaded further
stress onto the shoulders of the police services, still reeling from such
exposes as the Marikana enquiry while trying bravely to maintain morale in the
face of poor performances by some members.
South Africa has for long been describes as a ‘microcosm of
the world’. With a world in turmoil, we have not needed these horrific events. Well,
now a brave new world is needed. We must penetrate to current and historical
fundamentals and address them responsibly to the advantage of both contesting
Some solutions might lie in the following suggestions.
We are engaged here with disruptions of a complex
social system. To address the trauma adequately demands intelligent systemic thinking
that penetrates to the roots of the problem and tracks the various underlying
threads that cause the surface manifestations we now see.
We can accept that the present events will be
brought under temporary control, as if a lid was put on a boiling pot. But,
they will resurface in a month, a year or a decade, just as the pressure in a
pot is likely to repeatedly dislodge the lid. Action and reaction will continue
until lasting solutions are found. The solution lies in an impossible vision;
the development of an unshakeable empathic national character that pursues a
common good for all people resident in South Africa.
While some roots of the present turmoil can be
traced back to apartheid, events in South Africa in the past two decades have
also exacerbated a steady descent to chaos. Amongst these, appalling widespread
corruption coupled to political arrogance are probably the most disruptive
factors that have driven people apart. More than anything else, these factors
have shaken faith in positive change.
As a nation, we must consolidate nationally. We
must accept that historical factors are tenacious. On the massive scale
inherent in our South African society, poverty is abominably difficult to
ameliorate. Each individual must accept responsibility for addressing the
underlying economic realities across a breadth of social entities including
races, classes and genders. Civil society must more actively address poverty in
creative ways. The government cannot do it all, although when one notes the past
profligate and wasteful expenditure, it is clear that it could do far more than
it does at present.
Individuals might accept a personal project.
Families that can cope economically might help someone to build a small
two-roomed house, educate a child or find employment. My wife and I have been
engaged with this for the past thirty-five years. It is reaffirming and
immensely enriching. I’m sure many others have done the same. The trend needs
to spread.
Government must accept and value positive inputs
from any quarter, insofar as it is predicated on the national good. This
implies listening to opposition parties as well as ‘ordinary’ citizens. But we
need action, not ‘talking heads’.
Government must stand firmly behind the
Constitution and the laws that emanate from it. In practical terms they must
support the Police Service in undertaking a difficult and sensitive task,
uphold the courts in their decisions, and maintain the morale of municipalities
in the discharge of their related duties. Their present policy of placing the
security of individuals as a top, practical priority is sensible and
commendable. This avoids immersion in senseless obfuscations surrounding
debates on terminology and ideological imperatives.
Without fear or favour, anyone found culpable of
fomenting or propagating a resort to violence or who has resorted to violence, theft
or the destruction of property must be censured and if necessary brought before
the law.
Government should establish a firm yet
compassionate immigration/border control. This will of course always prove a
contradiction. With people from other countries flooding into South Africa,
many impoverished citizens feel that they are being sacrificed while the more
opulent make no sacrifice. This fuels feelings of xenophobia. Yet the
entitlements of migrants must also be honoured and respected.
South Africa is signatory to international
conventions, and there are entitlements to recognise and accommodate. Many refugees
feel humiliated and let down. Those who wish to reintegrate into their
communities need police protection if they are to do so safely.
Accordingly, on the one hand the country
must meet the dictates of conscience and international law, and on the other
one needs to protect an over-burdened social service while also protecting the citizenry
within our borders. More vigorous programmes of adult education such as that
mounted under the Masifundisane banner some years ago will help. Whatever is
done, the present muddled thinking must end.
10. The
education system must be overhauled and transformed. It is matter for
individual teachers to put right, by adopting a professional and not
self-centred ‘trade unionist’ approach. Many who are in poverty in this country
are the victims of an inadequate education. Many emerging from grade 12
schooling are apparently proving unemployable. I suspect that much of the fiercest
resentment arises through the perception of local communities that they cannot
compete fairly against the better-educated people flooding into the country.
Further, school curricula need the infusion
of programmes promoting interpersonal tolerance and a multi-cultural approach.
11. We
as a nation must learn to value character, empathy and service beyond wealth.
We have yet to earn our indulgent, self-accorded characterisation as a ’rainbow
nation’. At present, there’s no rainbow. The darkest storm-clouds are still gathering.