Educate your child through sport
Do your children play sport?
your children play sport? If so, are you as a parent aware of how educative the
experience can be for them, if only an adult would be present to identify
educative experiences as they arise, and point out a few educational truths the
child might focus on? If you’ve not thought about the educational values of
sports participation, would you like to know the basics?
so, read on.
SO, what’s the article
article explains how an average parent who’s enjoyed taking part in sports can
become a role model and coach or teacher to educate his or her youngster(s)
through sporting and other physical activities.
people spend years studying physical education because they aim to offer it in
formal schooling. Unfortunately, many others are cast into the task of coaching
sports with only some dabbling in the activity or else a bit of personal
experience to back them up.
parents crowd the sidelines of sporting activities without knowing much about
the educative opportunities their kids are experiencing. Yet these experiences
can be enhanced by encouragement and interpretations provided by dad or mom. Even
if given from the sidelines, it can have a sound impact on their learning. This
article has been written for parents who have insight into sport, but who might
not wish to engage with active coaching. Why not encourage your youngsters to
take part in sports activities that afford enjoyment as well as valuable, wider
educative experiences?
course, the better one knows a sport, especially by playing it, the easier it
is to spot ‘educative moments’ that might benefit your child.
The example
of our forebears
millions of years, humankind led a more active lifestyle than we do today. In a
sense, their hunting and collecting bands gave a central place to physical
education, or more correctly, physical training.
‘ancient’ mom went out to gather roots and berries for food the girls and
younger boys of a clan would accompany her on the forays. They would learn many
things that were useful to their survival in an often harsh environment.
dad would set out with the older boys and male relatives to fish, or scavenge
from carcases, secure some sort of local small game, or join forces in stalking
and attacking a large beast. During these excursions the children learned about
planning, tactics, skills, co-operation, courage and their own physical
capacities and limitations. It was a fundamental source of knowledge.
enterprises all took considerable energy to perform. They involved much ambling
and tracking, and perhaps a few short bursts of speed or a lengthy pursuit over
broken terrain. Muscles would be used for power and speed, and the
cardio-vascular system would come into operation with a vengeance as the
hunters engaged with their quarry, or indeed ran from it.
recently during recorded history, traders, workmen, labourers, and the military
all used their physical resources more than we generally do today. Physical
prowess counted for much.
We’re a lazy lot
modern times, especially in more developed countries, sport has largely
replaced the other physical earlier demands, but in recent years it has been
professionalised to the extent that it is a spectacle to be followed on
television more than something to be engaged with.
advent of technology has exacerbated the problems of sedentary behaviour. We
live in an increasingly virtual world. The real world of concrete reality including
physical threats, climate and physics has been allowed to slide into the
recesses of consciousness, whereas in former times it intruded so strongly that
its dominant presence occupied our brain with a vengeance. We simply had to
take it into account in a most fundamental way. And indeed, because of the
planning we had to embark on to survive within it, it helped to form the
impressive frontal lobe humanity now possesses. But we have become increasingly
protected from physical challenges and therefore even complacent.
Virtual reality doesn’t help
intrusion of virtual reality into the ‘real world’ now threatens to confuse that
which is real (ontic reality) and that which is illusory (virtual reality), to
the extent that they become indistinguishable, a fact promoted by
commercialisation and its marketing.
many middle-class people our televisions, cell-phones and ipads are the here
and now, while receding glaciers, increasing flab, poverty, crime and the
demise of wild creatures are remote things to pay lip-service to as we get on
with our immediate, comfortable sedentary preoccupations. Many in the First
World are losing contact with demanding physical reality.
Losing respect for our
also means losing respect for our physical bodies. We have tended to hand them
over to the care of medical science rather than to accept them as something
needing personal maintenance as intrinsically ‘US’. So, many people make no
effort whatsoever to keep themselves in good health, nor do they value the old
capacities related to powerful, extensive, repetitive or skilled movement.
These are often no longer seen as necessary.
trends are a few of the reasons motivating perceptive, modern educationists to propagate
a renewed focus on physical education in the formal schooling or tertiary
context, or pursued informally through enhanced lifestyles. With a bit of
understanding, you can participate.
I’ll outline some of the outcomes one seeks from a physical education
programme. The objectives that follow seek to cultivate a sound mind in a
healthy body. A return to these outcomes is needed desperately in my country South
Africa, whose population is becoming increasingly flabby and physically
Physical development
start with a focus on the health of the body. Whether you deal with
schooling curricula or an adult’s home lifestyle, you’ll first need to look at
the efficient physiological function of the bodily systems if you want to
enhance physical well-being. This means taking a ‘medical’ viewpoint that
ensures freedom from disease and decrepitude, rather than a ‘functional’
viewpoint by means of which ‘physical work’ becomes the focus.
health can be achieved by engaging regularly and systematically with physical activities
that will exercise the cardio-vascular system and musculature to get them
working optimally, but also seeing to such things as bodily hygiene, dental
hygiene, posture and diet. Your fifty trillion cells need to work reasonably in
harmony; for that implies good health. Sport, especially such as require
vigorous, total-body activity and the ingestion of oxygen, can help here.
Physical fitness
implies the ‘functional’ ability of the body to produce ‘work’. It’s the sort
of capacities a pentathlon participant or military marine works towards. It is
built on a foundation of sound health, as discussed briefly above.
implies engagement with systematised exercises directed to the achievement of
greater strength, power, muscular endurance, cardiovascular stamina and
suppleness. The body becomes more capable of running at a reasonable speed,
lifting or carrying weights, throwing projectiles, running reasonably long
distances and so on.
Physical skills
in the physical domain are skills. Traditionally in Western societies,
these tend to relate to gross motor exercises, educational and competitive
gymnastics, individual and team sports and outdoor pastimes that require
co-ordinated, accurate or precise movements capable of repetition at a good
standard of accuracy.
small children we offer generalised movements unrelated specifically to sports
or other traditional contexts. These can include jumping, climbing, walking,
running, twisting, turning, landing, taking off, throwing, catching, hitting,
pitching slinging, kicking and so on.
intention there is to get the psycho-motor apparatus of muscles, bones, nerves
and so on working smoothly to lay a foundation of varied movements on which
refined skills can be built. Increasingly, they will be used in defined
contexts such as athletics, dance, cricket, rock-climbing, diving or gymnastics.
of these basic movements and more refined, specific skills depend on a smooth
integration of muscle activity with brain functioning, using the ability of
that organ to motivate, initiate, provide motor control, and adapt to varying
circumstances. These skills usually help the individual to achieve a complex
outcome dependent on a smooth sequence of movement.
Cognition, or thinking
we move from the physical domain to the cognitive,
or ‘thinking’ domain. We might first look at the acquisition of knowledge
achieved through participation in physical activities. The range of knowledge
to be obtained by this means is quite remarkable.
can be acquisition of information about the texture, weight, durability,
softness or hardness of materials, the attitude of people, acceptable and
unacceptable behaviour, aesthetic qualities that are to be admired or wondered
at, societal norms, rules of games and other pursuits, good sportsmanship,
management of stress, injury and competition, the behaviour of weather, the
climate, environment and wild creatures in nature, even history if one wishes
to include it, and much more.
cognitive capacity one can hone and enhance is problem-solving. Physical
activities are replete with opportunities to generate problems one might solve
by problem-solving. Team game tactics are essentially problem-solving
activities, so are the composition of a dance, the scaling of a sheer rock wall
and the negotiation of rapids in a canoe.
can be enhanced and exercised during participation in dance, diving or gymnastics
as one works out programmes and routines. One can also cite innovative
approaches used in many outdoor activities such as rock climbing, or tactics used
in such team games as soccer, rugby, hockey, and many others.
The social domain
social domain is also amenable to development in physical education.
and followership can be experienced, with participation in such things as
rock-climbing, hiking and team games offering myriads of learning experiences
leading to people becoming capable of working effectively in a group under
activities can enhance the learning of ethical behaviour. Many
activities provide contexts for the exercise of actions showing fair play and
empathy, revealing ethics and morality. Juvenile crime can be countered
opportunities are numerous, giving individuals the opportunity to lead teams or
groups, thus gaining experience in implementing a variety of styles before
settling on a suitable approach to leadership. Most people will reject either
blatantly autocratic or laissez-faire approaches, choosing a style that is best
suited to the task, perhaps with an element of democracy in it.
Emotional responses
emotional responses of people can also be honed. You can learn to control emotional
responses when in tight situations, and to express emotions in ways
acceptable to society. Finally, you can also learn to appreciate the emotional
components of aesthetic movements found in such activities as dance,
diving, gymnastics, and even team sports such as cricket and dare I say it,
rugby, football or American football.
of the above implies the adult being alert to opportunities that present
themselves for children to identify emotional contexts, focus on them, receive
guidance and learn to eventually self-educate themselves in the management of
emotional responses.
Outdoor activities
outdoor activities such as hiking, canoeing, surfing, underwater swimming, rock
climbing provide marvellous opportunities for educating youngsters. All of them
also demand extra safety precautions and care.
list the outcomes as:
What can you do as a parent
or educator?
down and reflect on the dozen outcomes. Then reflect on how you can use
physical activity to enhance these qualities or capacities in the lives of your
own youngsters or those you teach.
need not teach the activities yourself; indeed for safety reasons that is best
left to qualified and accredited teachers and coaches. But you can always watch
from the sidelines, and use incidents and events that you spot in order to
educate your child.. It’ll of course take a bit of initial effort.
can have the ammunition available to become a role model. You can use sport as
a medium of education. Do, however, study safety rules and first aid if you
become personally and actively engaged. Also, get a first aid qualification if
you work with young sports participants!
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